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Catalog Number : ccma1199
Title : Charge Master Charges & Pricing - Part 1
Speaker : Duane Abbey

Duration : 120 minutes

Webplay Recording Date : 2-23-2006
Webplay Price : $ 225 for two weeks viewing

Teleconference/Webinar Presenter: Duane C. Abbey, Ph.D., CFP

Teleconference Webinar Title: Developing Charge Master Changes - Part 1

Teleconference/Webinar Level: Advanced

Teleconference/Webinar Objectives:

a. To review and explain the Medicare Charging Rule.
b. To discuss the cost reporting process involvement in setting charges.
c. To understand the way in which charge algorithms can be developed.
d. To appreciate the role of various healthcare payment systems in determining how charges can and/or should be developed.
e. To review statutory and contractual compliance issues surrounding pricing and setting of charges.

Teleconference/Webinar Outline/Agenda:

I. Developing Charges and Pricing for Hospitals
a. Typical Approaches
b. Historical Considerations

II. The Cost Report and Cost Implications

III. Cost Accounting Systems

IV. Charge Algorithm Development

V. The Medicare Charging Rule
a. Code of Federal Regulation Pronouncements
b. OIG Involvement and Pronouncements
c. Impact On Non-Medicare Pricing

VI. Payment System Implications
a. Governmental Prospective Payment Systems
b. Contractual Payment Systems
c. Obligations and Constraints on Pricing

VII. Other Related Compliance Issues

VIII. Chargemaster/Billing Considerations

Prerequisites for Participating: General knowledge of hospital services and the pricing for such service. Some knowledge of the chargemaster and associated charge development processes is useful.

Target Audience: Charge master coordinators, billing, nurses, coding and reimbursement personnel, financial personnel, health information management coding and management personnel, cost report preparation personnel, coding, billing and reimbursement compliance personnel and all of those involved with the Charge Master.

Attendance Certificate: Upon attending this course you will receive a 2 Contact Hour Attendance Certificate. There is usually a reciprocal agreement between state associations to allow these to count for each state. If you have any questions, please ask your state association.

Refund Policy:

Full tuition is refunded immediately on request if the participant has not been sent the program materials and instructions. Once the instructions (including access codes) have been sent, a full refund will be issued only after the program runs and it is verified that the participant did not access the program.